Saturday, December 12, 2015

Christmas Party Prep

This was definitely a huge undertaking.  My roommates and I (yes, the same roommates who all decided to have a Halloween party.  What can we say?  We're party people!)  decided that it would be fun to have a Christmas party for our families.  There was so much to do and I had so many ideas that we couldn't do them all.  We split tasks again because of all that we had to do and again, I was one of two in charge of decorations.  I decided that I wanted to do a frame wall for decor in the kitchen so I took to the thrift stores and bought a couple of cheap picture frames of different sizes and I spray painted them the colors I was looking for.  Then I took different types of fillers, like wall paper and block lettering and filled the frames on the wall and I think it turned out great!  I wanted everything to be classy, so I took to the color theme of red and gold (thanks to the dollar store), and the Christmas tree came out beautifully!  There may have had to be some pull-back via some close friends and one or two of my roommates because of all that I wanted to do, but we made it happen and, in the end, the party turned out fantastic!

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