Thursday, December 17, 2015

Winter Recital

I must say, this concert season has reeked havoc on my voice.  With two concerts, a recital, and countless performances at church, my voice has been through the ringer, with just barely being able to sing tonight due to lack of voice.  That being said, I thought this particular performance (barring the random break in the middle of the song) was not too bad.  I don't usually do much acting when it comes to my vocal pieces, but after this one I think I should do a lot more.  This is a link to my video of the song "Adelaide's Lament" from the musical "Guys and Dolls."  Enjoy!  Adelaide's Lament

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Christmas Party Prep

This was definitely a huge undertaking.  My roommates and I (yes, the same roommates who all decided to have a Halloween party.  What can we say?  We're party people!)  decided that it would be fun to have a Christmas party for our families.  There was so much to do and I had so many ideas that we couldn't do them all.  We split tasks again because of all that we had to do and again, I was one of two in charge of decorations.  I decided that I wanted to do a frame wall for decor in the kitchen so I took to the thrift stores and bought a couple of cheap picture frames of different sizes and I spray painted them the colors I was looking for.  Then I took different types of fillers, like wall paper and block lettering and filled the frames on the wall and I think it turned out great!  I wanted everything to be classy, so I took to the color theme of red and gold (thanks to the dollar store), and the Christmas tree came out beautifully!  There may have had to be some pull-back via some close friends and one or two of my roommates because of all that I wanted to do, but we made it happen and, in the end, the party turned out fantastic!

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Voices of Christmas

Last year and this year I got to perform in one of the best choirs I have ever been in.  It is purely a volunteer choir and we come together to sing during the holiday season for Voices of Christmas.  This choir has been around for twelve years and it has only gotten bigger.  These last two years we were able to make it to sing in the Mesa Arts Center which has been one of our goals for a very long time.  The object of the Voices of Christmas choir is for families who are not able to go see the fancy shows that cost a lot of money because finances are tight to be able to come and enjoy a free concert that celebrates the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  I feel so privileged to sing in this choir, and I have been blessed to be able to share this experience with two of my siblings and several friends.

Below are some pictures from after our performance: